Friday, September 14, 2018

Mining rehabilitation fund details to remain secret after Qld Government to ban RTI requests

ABC News: Queensland: Friday, September 14, 2018.
A new mining and gas rehabilitation fund to contain hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions from resources companies will be shrouded in secrecy, with the Queensland Government granting a blanket exclusion from right to information requests after industry concerns.
Key points:
Information Commissioner and Transparency International raised concerns about changing RTI Act to protect resources industry
QRC says without the exemption, mining company information will fall into the hands of competitors
Greens describe exclusion as "bizarre" as it is already "exceptionally difficult" to access information under right to information
The information watchdog and Transparency International have raised the alarm about changing the Right to Information (RTI) Act to protect industry, when it was the public that paid the price when companies did not fulfil their rehabilitation obligations.
The new scheme will force about 150 resource companies to contribute into a pool of money to be used for rehabilitation for abandoned sites, and some will have to give a surety.
Mine closure plans and costs will be made public, but details about how much a company has to pay into the fund and how risky the project is, will be kept secret.
Exemptions from the RTI Act are rare, and largely limited to documents relating to intelligence, terrorism, surveillance, police operations and personal details.
Very few exemptions have been granted over the last decade, as the RTI Act already protects sensitive documents including business and financial information.
A report to the State Government reviewing the RTI Act in 2017 recommended there be no further exclusions and, in fact, it argued for the removal of an existing exemption.
Despite this recommendation, the Government is amending the Act to exempt all documents created or received by the rehabilitation fund "scheme manager" and their staff, after "significant concerns" from industry stakeholders.
In a scathing submission to Government, Queensland's Information Commissioner slammed the "blanket exclusion" as unnecessary and overly broad.
It was also inconsistent with policy and a proactive approach to releasing information in the public interest.
Transparency International chief executive Serena Lilleywhite said it appeared to be a "blatant example" of Government being influenced by industry into a decision that was not necessarily in the public interest.
"It does seem at odds with the Government's own review and it does seem that this is yet another example of undue influence by industry groups to try and encourage or influence the Government to make policy decisions," Ms Lilleywhite said.
"It really does fly in the face of pro-integrity best practice within Government."
The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) said it had not lobbied Government for the amendment but "sought assurances" financial information would be protected.
Blanket exclusion not justified: Information Commissioner
The Government has said the exclusions were made to "respond to significant concerns raised by industry stakeholders about the potential for disclosure of financial documents which would ordinarily only be provided to financial institutions".
Mr Macfarlane said without the exemption, company information would fall into the hands of competitors.
"This information would then leak out or be passed out through the right to information and the financial viability of the company would be placed in jeopardy and the company would potentially collapse," Mr Macfarlane said.
Mr Macfarlane said companies were "apprehensive and extremely nervous" about handing over financial documents to the Government.
"So it needed an assurance from the Government that, that information would be held totally confidentially," he said.
But the Information Commissioner said the current RTI legislative framework was "sufficient" to protect these documents.
"It is critical that individual legislative proposals are considered in the context of the broader policy and departures from such are clearly justified," the submission said.
"In this case, the [Government] do not provide a compelling case to justify an exclusion from the operation of the RTI Act."
Exclusion is 'narrow': Government
Queensland Treasury has described the exclusions to the RTI Act as "narrow in scope" to provide "protection to commercial-in confidence information statutorily required by the scheme manager".
Transparency International also argued the confidentiality requirements that exist in the RTI Act were adequate to protect sensitive information.
"This is a matter that is of public interest and the community is very keen to understand exactly how mining companies are preparing for end of mine life or mine closure, and equally there is also the issue that if not enough money is allocated by the mining companies," Ms Lilleywhite said.