Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mid Day Editorial: Every RTI Activist Deserves Anonymity

Mid-Day: Editorial: Wednesday, August 22, 2018.
This paper had reported how BMC chief Ajoy Mehta was left red-faced after RTI activists sent him a list of corrupt civic officials
Right To Information (RTI) activists claim BMC has shared their addresses and numbers with the very same influential builders they had complained about. This paper had reported how BMC chief Ajoy Mehta was left red-faced after RTI activists sent him a list of corrupt civic officials. Now, these crusaders against corruption claim they were bombarded with calls offering bribes to withdraw complaints against illegal constructions.
The activists alleged that municipal officials had leaked their contact numbers in a bid to trap them in corruption cases. Whatever the truth in the unfortunate skirmish between RTI activists and the BMC, the fact that activists allege that they are getting a huge number of calls from unknown numbers asking them to settle cases, certainly needs looking into.
Please start investigation into who is calling them. The activists' complaints need to be taken seriously. The RTI crusaders need to take their complaint to the police if they feel threatened.
The cornerstone of RTI activism is anonymity. The whistle-blower has to remain anonymous to ensure that the RTI act works and gives the results it is supposed to bring about. Compromising the complainant is deceitful and extremely dangerous. It puts the activist or whistle-blower directly in the line of fire. It blows away his only security his anonymity.
The compromise also dissuades others from becoming activists as they see that the earlier whistle-blower, who had the courage to call out corruption, is made to pay for daring to do so.
It negates the element of secrecy, which is pivotal in RTI. This is a shameful disservice to people and a powerful tool. Remedial action needs to be swift and activists have to be given protection if needed.