Friday, June 07, 2013

CollegeOnTrack Introduces Gradebook and Proactive Student Dashboard / RTI Capabilities at 2013 National Charter Schools Conference.

Times Union : Press Release Web : USA : Friday, June 7, 2013.
CollegeOnTrack will introduce Student Dashboard / RTI and Gradebook enhancements to its education planning system at the National Charter Schools Conference this month in Washington, D.C. CollegeOnTrack is introducing these capabilities in the form of two new apps, available to its subscribers at no additional cost.
High school graduation rates are at an all time high, but the U.S. ranks 22nd of 27 developed countries on this metric, threatening our ability to compete. Cutbacks across the nation have reduced the safety net of counselors supporting struggling students, which threatens to make the situation worse.
CollegeOnTrack’s new Gradebook captures class progress indicators such as assignment credits and test scores. The linked Student Dashboard and proactive intervention alerts help keep struggling students on track to graduate and apply to college, while making it easier to counsel all students.
Gradebook handles a school’s entire grading needs, or links easily with existing systems such as PowerSchool or Aeries®. It records individual assignment, quiz, and class participation scores, scales them according to school rubrics, and displays cumulative grades for every student in each class. It also logs teacher comments that can help in student conferences and final grading.
Gradebook links seamlessly with student Learning Plans. Credit for Plan milestones flows directly into Gradebook, reducing teacher effort and eliminating data entry errors.
The Student Dashboard keeps educators, parents, and students in the know about academic performance. It flags student problems in time to fix them and provides supporting information for student and parent meetings. Marketing V.P. Phil Roybal points out the importance of this capability, saying, “Rising counselor case loads and student/teacher ratios make automatic systems that pinpoint struggling students key tools for boosting graduation rates.”
The Student Dashboard / RTI app summarizes student grades across classes and school years. It shows GPA and why the number is what it is. It also flags situations that jeopardize graduation. Users can drill down into any grade to see the individual scores and teacher comments behind it. Educators and parents can look at the history of courses and grades and see why a student may not be performing. The app logs student interactions to help monitor response to interventions.
CollegeOnTrack is introducing these capabilities in the form of two new apps, available to its subscribers at no additional cost. The company will be demonstrating the new software in booth #3058 at the National Charter Schools Conference, coming to Washington, D.C. at the end of June.
About CollegeOnTrack 
CollegeOnTrack is a web-based system that enriches the learning experience in middle and high school as it prepares students for college and successful careers. It offers a combination of rich digital portfolios, collaboration support, and task management that helps students build a mindset of success. Administrative modules help educators keep students in school and on track for graduation and college applications.