Sunday, June 03, 2012

HUDA spends 1 lakh a day on sanitation: How clean is your street ?

The Times of India: Gurgaon: Sunday, June 03, 2012.
Believe it or not, Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) spends nearly Rs 1 lakh every day on sanitation and cleaning of just one half of the city.
In an RTI reply, HUDA has revealed that in last financial year, Rs 3.57 crore was spent on sanitation in colonies under the jurisdiction of Estate Office One (EO-I). HUDA has divided the entire city into two estate offices for administrative purposes. The total sanitation expenditure could be nearly double for the entire city. Interestingly, in September 2011, when the administrator, Praveen Kumar, took over, HUDA had spent Rs 38.18 lakh on sanitation works in EO-I, which is headed by Narinder Yadav.
Surprised at the expenditure details, R S Rathi, president of Gurgaon Citizens' Council, said: "This is nothing less than a scam because the maximum chunk of the colonies in EO-I are under the MCG. It needs to be probed as to how all this money was spent."
The EO-I covers Sectors 4, 5, 7, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22 and 23. While on the one hand, HUDA spends about Rs 1 lakh a day on sanitation of these areas, the ground reality is completely different. The RWAs of these sectors have been complaining about the shoddy sanitation work by the contractor hired by HUDA.
Reacting to the expenditure details, Sector 4 RWA general secretary Amit Arora said: "This is shocking. There is virtually no sanitation work happening in our sectors. If HUDA has paid so much of money to contractors, they should also hold them accountable to deliver." The RTI application seeking expenditure on sanitation of filed by Raman Sharma, a resident of Malibu Towne.