Friday, November 19, 2010

Review meeting on RTI act held at Mon

MorungExpress;Mon, November 18 (DIPR):
In order to review the implementation on mechanism of RTI Act 2005, a meeting of the HODs, PIOs and APIOs was held with State Information Commissioner, Dr. Kuhoi Zhimomi, on November 18, at Deputy Commissioner’s conference hall, Mon.
In his speech, Dr. Huhoi, briefed the important features of the RTI Act, under Section 2, and called upon the PIOs and APIOs to implement the Act effectively for the welfare of the society.
Clarifying that seeking information by the citizen should not be treated as complaint by the Public Authority, he said it is the Public Authority that has implemented the RTI Act to maintain transparency and accountability in the working system of the Government agencies and added that even the public authority is empowered to seek information under the Act. Briefing the roles of the public authority under the Act, he said the PIOs are important functionaries of the RTI Act and urged both the PIOs & APIOs to put up signboard of the PIO & APIO in the office to enable the citizen for easy information. He also highlighted the success stories of the RTI Act in various parts of the country.
The DC of Mon district, Dinesh Kumar, IAS who chaired the function in his welcome address appealed to the Public Authority to update with knowledge of the RTI Act and impart the same to the fellow staffs. The PIOs & APIOs also reported the mechanism on implementation of RTI Act in their department to the State Information Commissioner