Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Plight Of Unemployed Mechanical Engineer

Morung Express: Nagaland: Wednesday, October 29, 2014.
Corruption affects human rights in a variety of ways. For example, the right to food, water, education, health, employment, and the ability to seek justice can be violated if a bribe or political power is required to gain access to this basic right.
For instance we the Association of Mechanical Engineers  have unearth through right to information (RTI) that the basic rights and privilege given to us by the Engineering Service Rule (ESR) for Government of Nagaland have being violated and thus deprived of our basic human right. Corruption by high-level governmental officials can not only destroy the future of educated and qualified engineers but also deny which is rightfully his/hers, which in turn handicaps the government from fulfilling its duty to protect, ensure, and respect the rights guaranteed to its people.
We the unemployed mechanical engineers, after years and years of being deprived of the opportunity to be selected fairly and honestly which is reserved for us by the provision of Engineering Service Rule (ESR), We as an association, after a long deliberation and detail discussion about the privileges and rights which has being denied to us, we have came to a conclusions that time has brought us to a juncture where we are left with no option but to fight for our rights and find a way out of this mis governance.
The reasons for which we have being provoked to stand up against injustice and fight for our rights are:
1)    For the selection of Assistant Mechanical Engineer (AME) as per the provision of ESR is  60% shall be direct recruitment i.e through N.P.S.C and 40%  though departmental promotion , but as per information we have obtained through RTI it is clear that almost  80% is through promotion and only 20% through NPSC. A person with limited mathematical skills can see the difference. The promotion of 80% AME are in total violation of ESR which we the association highly object. Not only that those 80% employed AME are mostly diploma holders.
2)    For the selection of Junior Engineer (J.E) as per the provision of ESR is 90 % should be done through NPSC and 10% by departmental promotion. But according to RTI which we have obtained it is worked out that 90% is filled through promotion and 10% through NPSC from the above we can see that the ESR is totally bypassed or ignored while appointing  J.E. We the association demand that if ESR can not be implemented the ESR should first be abolished once for all.
3)    If the present system continues then there is no avenue for mechanical degree engineer. Not only this mechanical department is a department in which more then 70% are diploma holders and the remaining 30% degree holders are about to be retired. There may come a time when mechanical department will be controlled by non mechanical engineers because diploma holders have limitation to be promoted to surden level.
So we the Association of Mechanical Engineers have submitted a memorandum to our government to look into few of these issues:
1)    Strictly maintain the provision of ESR.
2)    Requisition be forward to NPSC for 2 vacant AME post.
3)    All the contract appointment till date be cancelled and the resultant post be filled through an open and competitive exam as per the provision of ESR
Few months have passed since we have submitted our memorandum to our government but still there is no reply till date. It is our prayer and hope that our government will one day full fill our demand. As, our demands are reasonable and we are only requesting our govt to implement the rules and regulation in letter and in spirit.
Is it a crime to ask something which is rightfully ours or is it foolishness in our part to ask the governmental agencies who are entrusted to implement and enforce the rule and regulation which is already in place. not only this we have reports and evidence in other department that post meant  for we technical personnel are filled by non technical which is totally objectionable.( name of the departments and post will be disclosed in due time but rest assured you will be surprised by the number). As we are compelled to, we have decided few course of action to be taken in future which may not be pleasant for everyone. It is our hope and prayer that the govt will look into the matter before we proceed with what we have planned for.
Lastly if there is anyone who have being deprived of their rights or anyone out there who believe that there is still hope in this world that truth and justice are the ultimate winner. Then, come and let’s join our hand and make it our collective problem and work together for a better and corruption free society, now it may sound too impossible task to be undertaken. But, as it’s being said “little drops of water makes an ocean” the small step we take now will make a difference. Our association may be insignificant or too small to fight the mighty govt. But, we with a firm believe that with this small step we have undertaken, will inspire many more to fight for justice.