Monday, July 30, 2012

Debate over use of lights atop vehicles; The Guntur Information Seekers Association, which has obtained information under the RTI Act, said no district level officer had authority to fix and operate red and white lights atop their vehicles.

The Hindu: Guntur: Monday, July 30, 2012.
A recent direction by Collector S. Suresh Kumar on the use of red/white light on vehicles carrying district officials has opened a debate.
Mr. Suresh Kumar has issued orders that all such lights should be removed.
The Guntur Information Seekers Association, which has obtained information under the RTI Act, said no district level officer had authority to fix and operate red and white lights atop their vehicles.
They include the district Collector and the two superintendents of police.
The association members include Railway Users’ Consultative Committee member Suryadevara Ravi, former member of the District Consumer Court P.V. Ramanarao, and Film Censor Board members G. Dinamani and P.V. Ramesh.
However, the Inspector general of Police, Guntur range, who has jurisdiction over three districts- Guntur, Prakasam and Nellore, is eligible to use red and white lights.
Other officers, who have the right include High Court judges, the AP Lok Ayukta, Chief Secretary , DGP and the Chairman of the AP State Public Service Commission
The eligibility to use blue light is reserved to a few VVVIPs such as the Chief Minister, Ministers, Speaker, and Chairman of the Legislative Council.
The Central government has recently revised the ‘warrant of precedence ‘ promoting Members of Parliament (MPs) from 21st place to 17th place and equated them with High Court judges.
This step gives MPs the right to fix red beacon light atop their vehicles.
The Guntur Information Seekers Association has regretted that the information provided by the Deputy Transport Commissioner has no reference to the revision of “warrant of precedence" and the new status of MPs.